Tuesday 15 September 2009

2nd day at $200nl

I woke up ate half a pizza.. and got to the tables. I had an interesting hand, I raised QJ UTG and had 2 callers. Flop: Qh4h4c, I bet and button calls and we have effective stacks of 100bb. Turn is 5c and I bet, alot of draws and worse hands can still call. River is ace of spades and I check to see what he does. Although the draws missed, there are Axs hands that had a flush draw and would now have top pair. The pot is ~$140 and he shoves ~$160 and I am getting ready to fold, I start to think what he could have and I quickly disregard Axs hands now as they would almost certainely not overbet the river. It seems he has AQ and even then would he overbet? Perhaps 45 and then alot of missed draws could play this way. I make the call due to the fact alot of the hands that have me beat like A7,A8 etc and KQ would not bet the river like this and he shows 33 !

I made a good bluff last night, tripple barreling for the first time and getting $90 of his stack when he folded river to my king high. I played quite late today and was a bit annoyed when I did some spewy bluffs, it can be hard as there are alot of people playing back from what im used to at $100nl. I see alot of floats and I had someone call flop with AQ (ace high) and raise 2.3x on the turn with ace high and then shove the river. I had KT, bet the flop with (king high), turned top pair (pair of tens), bet again called the small raise and rivered a king and check called the river shove. Unlucky for him, in general I am coping well although its pretty annoying when a fish opens and I call on the button and like what seems like everytime i get squeezed and I often get shoved on if I 4-bet bluff. I know people are just absoultely nuts as I have had AK vs A9 and QQ vs AQ both all in pre flop for 100bb. In general im not 3-betting and squeezing as much as some regulars but I think they have issues lol. Approximately +$450 for the day.

1 comment:

Johnathan said...

AQ is standard aipf for 200nl as well as TT as aggro levels are so high

i got AJs in today pf 50nl lol