Friday 4 September 2009

1987 hands!

Soon as I sat down I was getting raised everywhere, I was losing money by betting flop so I cut it down a touch but I was just running into hands everywhere...

I tried my best to fold when I was beat, I knew I was making the 2nd best hand or I was being rivered and getting raised on the river and I know its a bet fold but got a bit annoying to bet/fold constantly. These guys were most likely not exploiting my high cbet as it was happening from various people across all 5 tables.

Here's my biggest fold of the day and I showed a few people and they all agree I beat virtually nothing that takes this line. I think im looking at AJ/A9/flush/JJ so I folded.

- JohnnyG sitting in seat 1 with $50.00
- NoRhino sitting in seat 2 with $57.28 [Dealer]
- GET_IT_READY sitting in seat 3 with $103.05
- Raziel sitting in seat 4 with $49.50
- elbutrex sitting in seat 5 with $74.81 [Sitting out]
- Dunken69 sitting in seat 6 with $28.27

GET_IT_READY posted the small blind - $0.25
Raziel posted the big blind - $0.50
** Dealing card to NoRhino: A of c, Q of s
Dunken69 folded
JohnnyG raised - $1.50
NoRhino called - $1.50
Raziel folded
** Dealing the flop: A of s, A of h, 9 of s
JohnnyG bet - $2.00
NoRhino raised - $8.00
JohnnyG called - $8.00
** Dealing the turn: 4 of d
JohnnyG checked
NoRhino bet - $12.00
JohnnyG called - $12.00
** Dealing the river: J of s
JohnnyG went all-in - $28.50
NoRhino folded
JohnnyG mucks:
JohnnyG wins $70.07 from the main pot

I played on euro tables at the end as they had more action, so taking into account i won euros instead of dollars you can add $16 to this + $20 bonus = -$36 for the day.

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