Friday 25 September 2009

Whats happening !

I dunno what it is, I know I am running good, so probably partly because of this but I think my post flop skills have really clicked recently.

I made a call with ace high today which is always satisfying The board was something like QT6QT and he played his hand in a manner where he couldn't have a queen and he wouldn't bet pot on the river with a ten or JJ, he had K high. Another hand a aggro fish slightly overbet the river after check calling the flop as PFR, I checked back the turn, board was 363hh 9h8, and I called with A8, he also had K high.

Another hand today I floated flop and turn with ace high and then bet river when he checked to me, haha im crazy...

Today I seemed to avoid big hands and set ups just alot of small pots and went well, almost + 2 buy ins for today, over three 40 minute sessions or so.

1 comment:

Johnathan said...

its called youre due