Saturday 6 December 2008

Live £1/£2

I got back this morning at 8am after going to a casino with some friends. I played for several hours and made £225 although gave half of it to my friend who was unlucky to lose a big pot. It was nice to profit as I dont plan on going much but hopefully again before finishing my degree. There was a £2000 buy in tournament and therefore the cash games were supposedly tougher than normal as many people joined the cash tables from the tournament and there was even filming!

I was at the top of the waiting list when they opened up a 2nd table and many people from the £2/£5 game came over to play, as there game had broken up. Generally the play was bad and the £2/£5 players were just messing about in this game. I got nicknamed the rock as I played very few hands but you get so few hands an hour it is pretty easy to be card dead for an hour.

One had I had was raising to £7 with AK getting a re-raise to £25 by a good player messing about and 2 callers. I shoved for a little over £200 and everyone folded. I took a few pots down on the flop but my best hand of the night was raising to £7 UTG with pocket 5's and getting a call on my left by a professional poker player who plays £10/£20 live and up to $10/$20 online. He had told me he was bored and at the time this was the highest game available. I got another call out the blinds and we saw a flop: 346 two tone, 3 way. It was checked to me and I bet £15 and got two calls. The turn brought a 9 completing a flush draw. It was checked to me and I checked and the guy to my left checked. The river was a 6 and we checked it to the guy to my left who bet £42 into £67. I spent a few minutes thinking and I was really confident I had the best hand I wasn't worried about the flush although I was thinking he could have turned his hand into a bluff. In which case he may have a 3 or a 4 and I would have him beat. I also didn't think he value bet a 6 in this way and that was more of a betting tell and given how he played which was crazybored I was confident and I made the call and he instantly said "you got me" and I showed 55 and he went wow, nh. I got a lot of respect making this call and people said well played when I left the table at around 5 am.

It was great to speak to some of the players and we got talking about live vs online and was interesting. I was pleased with how I played, although didn't get into all that many spots and I think my decision to leave the table when I did was good as it was just the high stakes players and although they were still messing about I didn't feel comfortable with £425 at the table. I had a hand where I had K high and I was so so sure I had the best hand on a AA4 board, he had re raised my c-bet to over £50 and he had about £150 behind and I should have pushed and I would have if we were playing lower and I just wanted to book a win and thought I was to tired to make this re-bluff. Although I thought I had the best hand I thought he could be playing wild with a small pocket pair and the play would be to re raise all in and take it down. I folded and he showed 5 high and I soon left the table, but I was very tired lol.

All in all it was fun and I can see live is VERY soft. But I wouldn't wanna play live much because its pretty boring playing tight. You play so few hands an hour and I could easily run bad for long time live, as the action is pretty slow. If I had more money I would be interested in playing the higher stakes but I am not even rolled for their lowest stakes so it is back to grinding the pokeh on the internets

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